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22 novembre 2022

6 décembre - Annual Conference 2022 : Digital sovereignty and geopolitical crisis

This annual conference will approach the notion of digital sovereignty from a renewed, global perspective, and will provide an opportunity to discuss the digital and cyber features of the Ukraine war, and the current technological confrontation between China and the United States.

When and WhereDecember 6, 11.30- 19.00 / Albert Sorel - 27 rue St-Guillaume, 75007 Paris


11:30 – 1.00 pm : Opening Session: Digital sovereignty and Digital Authoritarianism (in English)

Keynote: Nate Persily (James B. McClatchy Professor of law at Stanford Law School, Co-Director, Stanford Cyber Policy Center)

Discussants: Sergei Guriev (Provost, Professor of Economics, Sciences Po)

Moderator: Florence G’sell (Professor of private law at University of Lorraine, Chairholder, Sciences Po Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair)

3:00 – 4:45 pm Panel 1: La souveraineté numérique en Russie à l’heure de la guerre en Ukraine (en français)

  • Julien Nocetti (Associate Professor, Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan, Chair in Cyber Risk Governance at Rennes School of Business)
  • Nicolas Mazzucchi (Research Director, Centre d'Etudes Stratégiques de la Marine)
  • Ksenia Ermoshina (Postdoctoral researcher at Centre Internet et Société)

5:00 – 6:45 pm Panel 2 : The Chinese Strategy of a Sovereign Internet (in English)

  • Rogier Creemers (Lecturer in Modern Chinese Studies, Leiden University)
  • Anupam Chander (Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Law and Technology at Georgetown University Law Center, Georgetown University)
  • JohannesThumfart (Senior and Postdoctoral Researcher, Vrije Universiteit Brussels)
  • Stephanie Balme (Research Professor, Dean of the Undergraduate College, Sciences Po)

7.00- 8.00 pm : Cocktail reception

To attend the Annual Conference IN PERSON, click here

To watch the conference ONLINE, click here