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28 octobre 2022

16/17 novembre - General Counsel Roundtable avec l'ECLA à Francfort

L'ECLA vous convie à son évènement "General Counsel Roundtable : Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)" qui se tiendra à Francfort les 16 et 17 novembre.
En tant que membres du Cercle et Directeurs/Directrices Juridique, les modalités d'inscription (soirée, réunion et hébergement) sont prises en charge par l'ECLA, seuls les frais de déplacement sont à votre charge.

Plus d'informations

The General Counsel Roundtable is an invitation only event for general counsel all across Europe, hosted by the European Company Lawyers Association (ECLA). The event will bring together a limited number of general counsel and decision makers from legal departments to discuss in depth about European ESG trends in 2022.

The event is planned as a half-day exclusive meeting that includes open dialogue during a fireside chat on the eve of the roundtable. General counsel are invited to the event and do only have to organise and pay for their travel arrangements.


Please note, that this event is an invitation only event for General Counsel/Head of Legal from all across Europe. The event is planned as a half-day exclusive meeting that includes open dialogue during a fireside chat on the eve of the roundtable. 

The schedule for the upcoming virtual Roundtable sessions can be found here.